

目前顯示的是 2010的文章

My personality

說得很準呀XD 獅 子 座 出生日期︰ 8月02日﹝月亮‧女教宗﹞ 代表人物: 彼得奧圖 特點︰ 既溫柔又熱情,擁有多方面才能;充滿智慧和遠見,喜歡據理力爭;在追求理想的過程中,金錢和權力只是手段,而非目的。優點是彈性很大,適應力很強;意志堅定,能力很強。缺點是對別人的要求很高,令人難以接受和配合。

Neuroscience 2010 @ San Diego

GOOD! 收穫很多: 學到快速總結自己故事的重要性、social power、expand my friendship to Xia, Shuai, and Greenspan、也學到一些待人處事的方法 ^^ 還有…英文的重要性!! 感覺自己太光芒外露、咄咄逼人滴~~好像很糟糕 Orz 不過,可以確定的是ー I am a freak. ...and those two guys are truly coming to have fun. (Heave a deep sigh)


Win or lose is determined by the final result! Make sure what the principal components are, and plan to get a complete win. Temporary win might bring an irreversible lost.


I like this word~~ :D conscientiousness 按良心辦事; 認真, 盡責 con sci en tious  |ˌkän  ch  ēˈen  ch  əs| adjective ( of   a  person) wishing to do what  is  right, esp.  to do  one's work or duty well and  thoroughly   :  a conscientious and hardworking clerk. •  (of work or a person's manner) showing such an attitude  :  a conscientious and purposeful look on her face. •  relating to a person's conscience  :  the act does not provide exemption from service  on   the  basis of personal conscientious beliefs.

Which Harry Potter Character are you?

Meng-Fu got Cedric Diggory. Popular, intelligent, loyal, good looking. Some of the many things that describe you. You know what you want in life and how to achieve your goals. You put on a brave facade, but underneath are scared of the same things many others are. You strive to achieve your best a nd wont accept anything lower. You are extremely loyal to your friends and wouldn't do anything to hurt another person. Because you are seemingly good at everything, people will dislike you for being so 'perfect'.

Self-improvement of pingpong

It's impossible that there always be a good man to teach me how to play pingpong better. So, there are some aspects of self-improvement that should be followed. During practice, I must scrutinize my action after each time I fail to strike well. During game, I must scrutinize my strategy after each point I lost. Never ever mix them up!!


練球的時候,注意節奏的變化~ 尤其是 最適當的時間再打球 等球 跟球 (自己都太急了,是因為重心 中斷了) 還有,動作要精簡!! 直來直往,最小動作最小力氣去打出有效的球 反手不要動手腕~~以大臂為主,推過去即可~~推落點;小臂手腕順勢而動。 拉球、攻擊就閃身用正手!!

UK trip, Day1

On the way to 桃園國際機場 Thanks 黃胖 for bring me to the airport. It’s amazing for a novice like me to travel to U.K. alone. I don’t even know what to do to take on the airplane. During the flight


1) 球要愈靠近身體 才發力  就會愈有球感(手感) 2) 反手靠三頭肌收縮              ;正手靠二頭肌收縮  為主           靠手腕關節動作來咬球;      靠小臂(可以加手腕)動作來咬球 3) 轉動才能最短時間啟動、發最大的力、最快還原 4) 發球的專注力有待加強~ 5) 有意識地去拉不同"節奏"、"落點"、"旋轉"、"弧度"的球 從LDS region偷來的圖 XD

It's over~

謝謝嘉霖學長~~ 教我做實驗、生活上幫助我、一起聊天罵##~ 我感激在心~ 以後一切都要順利呢~~ Farewell. :-)


整理一下最近的收穫 1)比賽中,每一球都要有咬球的感覺     磨擦、撞擊,都可以有咬球(或者說--放鬆、發力、發鬆的過程把球打出去)。要有咬球的感覺,先決條件是食指和拇指要夾緊球拍。打正手食指要扣用力一點;反手則是拇指多用點力 2)時間(節奏)要和球配合     眼睛看到最佳擊球點,動作要打過最佳擊球點。注意重心、旋轉要在最佳擊球點之前就準備好! 3)空間要和球(球的落點、旋轉)配合     練到整個身體在打球:身體會自動調整到最佳打球的姿勢。要克服的有:腳步的靈動、行動中的思考判斷、擊球時的平衡維持 做到上述三點後,才去從戰術、心理下功夫!!!


感謝阿伯的陪打~~今天多找到一點感覺 1) 提醒自己,要注意手和肩膀的相對位置不要跑掉~ 2) 腳一定要發力,讓重心轉移,才有把球往前送的力量 (而不是單純用手往前送,那很快就沒力了) 3) 比賽的時候,球點不會那麼順心如意,一定要分段發力,才有辦法approach到最佳化的擊球時間空間。(差了那麼一點,就算是姿勢100,得分還是0!!) 4) 接發球要留心在球的質心、衝量。快的球可以讓拍子不往前,作一些處理;慢的球則要往前,同時作一些處理。後者要多想像加強。不要所以有的接發球都是用摸的或是被動被撞! 九月開學後,開始練一些配套吧! ^^b

JAY-Z Young Forever

[Mr. Hudson] Let's dance in style Let's dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power but we never say never Sitting in a sandpit Life is a short trip The music's for the sad man

Thriving Ivory/Angels On The Moon

Do you dream, that the world will know your name So tell me your name Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all? I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside I wanna feel I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive To know I'm alive Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
如果你已經二十歲了,別再孩子氣了 - 李開復 《轉錄》分享 2010年5月25日 23:23 如果你已經20歲了,你真的輸不起了,別再孩子了..... 如果你到了20歲,還沒到25歲 。 ——李開復


Ten years passed, I am not regretted what I have done, although it always could be better, to be better than what I was. Consolidation is the most noteworthy ability that I lack now. Communication skills is the second one, including listening and talking used to ameliorate relationship with people. Stay with self-cultivation!

The Hurt Locker

Well, my recent life is kind of "The Hurt Locker." So many bombs are counting down. My God! But there is no room for me to hesitate or even scare. Keep going is the only way to survive! I think I bear too much pressure, resulting in one-month diarrhea. Come on, LIVE STRONG!!

May sixth, 2010

Today, I went to Taipei, having a dinner with brother and sister. It's a quite nice meal of Japanese food. Then, my sister and I attend the Kelly Clarkson's concert at NTU Sports Center. There were a few audiences and many empty seats in front of us, which costs from 2600 on up. XDXD The first three warm-up singers really suck! That's why the TV rating of "6th Super Star Boulevard" declined. We had not seen Kelly until eight thirty. This also sucks! But I like Kelly more after this concert. She sang all the concert with bare feet! Always jumping up and down, and sharing her feeling with us like our good buddy. And, her voice is so amazing! A blending of intonation, very high pitch, loudness and stability is so impressive. She deserves the title of American Idol! I think I was too restrained. I should try hard to open my mind and body language. ^^;

Good day!

Not say hello~ My day before yesterday was a good day, so was yesterday, so was today. XD I played table-tennis well. I had a lot of progress in my project. I was in a good mood. So many lucky things happened. Good!

To hate myself

Thanks to Steven, I want to learn, to try to hate myself. Like my e-mail's ending "sincerely", I always remind myself and try so hard to be sincere and honest. I can't talk without this criterion. I feel guilty and ashamed if I told something that is inconsistent with my soul. Till now, I am so proud of myself. I am satisfied with what I am. But an inconvenient truth you told me, all what would happen after being sincere and honest is put myself at a disadvantage. Quite inconvenient, right? I do know people around me, knowing how sincere they are! Today, I am starting to be one of them, to hate myself, for an undeniable outstanding life.

Think different, and watch different

又有開竅的feeling了! 雖然很可能又是野人獻曝 XDXD 剖蟲重要的不是看brain,而是看tweezer,一個真正會施力破壞的部分。 打球重要的不是看球,而是看拍子,一個真正會擊打作出場上變化的部分。 講話也要試著看對方的表情反應,一個對你說的話、他想說什麼、說的誠意的真實反應。 做不到上面的,感覺就像盲劍客,永遠對不上點。 但偏偏基礎的也不能不做:剖蟲終究要知道腦在哪、打球終究要知道球在哪、講話終究要知道說的內容。 一心二用好像是不可能的(不曉得那來的report) 看來腦袋瓜要特別訓練重心交換-switch的頻率要上個檔次 XDXD


好吧,其實是我會犯莫名奇妙的錯誤。才會一直開竅 XDXD 最佳進步獎,不是前段班的人可以領的 XD 我覺得我之前打的桌球,除了會背球的壞習慣開始慢慢改掉了,我又發現了一個很蠢的缺點: 我打的桌球,只有2D pingpong Orz 連5年前左右流行的3D pingpong都不如 囧rz 現在要注意盯球的節奏;預測擊球點,提早到位;還要有空間感,使用合理的揮拍動作、感覺,讓球回去對面桌子 (好像會分speedo loop了說 XD ) 不過,總是要開竅後,才知道自己以前有多遜 (挖地洞鑽.....)


剛剛在facebook做了一個神準的心理測驗。 我最近才正想說我就是驕傲,才會那麼容易生氣。對別人的行事做風特別容易不滿,特別想要得到別人的精神層面的尊重,一直去臆測別人的動機,哪怕只是別人無意的言行,也會被我冠上offensive。 心有多大,舞臺就有多大! Meng-Fu進行了「心有多大,舞臺就有多大!」測驗,結果是「愛爾蘭古堡:10畝」。 大家喜歡你是因為那種難得的真實,很少有人敢如你這般,愛自己所愛,執著於夢想,百折不撓。像是一位天生的偶像,人們總是會不自覺的崇拜著你,追隨著你。這終究源於你有一顆善良寬容的心,不過萬不可過於傲慢,謹慎善思的你才會走得更長遠和更加平穩,未來也便更加光明。 果然是傲慢~~I should be careful about this issue!!