
UK trip, Day1

On the way to 桃園國際機場
Thanks 黃胖 for bring me to the airport. It’s amazing for a novice like me to travel to U.K. alone. I don’t even know what to do to take on the airplane.
During the flight

It’s embarrassing for a Taiwanese aboard the Cathay Pacific because either they use 廣東話 or English I cannot get them. Another embarrassing thing is they treat me as a Hong Kongese by default. Well, that’s a good lesson telling me the importance of English. Till now, I have known one should set the seat upright when the airplane is flying(起飛) or landing, for the safety of back passenger. One more lesson, being nice to everyone around you is important, but fighting for your own privilege is as important as well, or you will be tricked.
On the train
I have figured out once you use the right to take express you must start the day counting. That’s bad really. Or you can pay for it, £18. I’ll decide which day I should use this right in the ending of my trip. Finally I took the underground. It’s not expensive (around £4), but it’s not time-saving and no good quality. I spent one and half hour from Heathrow to Euston. The virgin train is not so good as my expected.
Meet 劉曜緯

Facing the UK accent, my poor English becomes even worse. 




所謂的基因轉殖果蠅,是指某一種果蠅品系,他的genome裡面就帶有外來的基因,非果蠅自己原本就有的。像是GAL4/UAS binary expression system裡的GAL4 lines, UAS lines, LexA lines ...etc. (可以說…做實驗用的果蠅,絕大部分都是基因轉殖果蠅)

accident accidence 差很大

accident  | ˈaksɪd(ə)nt | noun 1  an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury :  he had an accident at the factory  |  [  mass noun  ]  :  if you are unable to work owing to accident or sickness . •  a  crash  involving  road or  other  vehicles :  four people were   killed   in   a   road   accident . •  euphemistic   an incidence of incontinence by a child or animal . 2  an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause :  the pregnancy was an accident  |  it is no accident  that   Manchester has produced more than its fair share of professional comics . •  [  mass noun  ]  the working of  fortune ; chance : members belong to the House of Lords  through  hereditary right or  accident of birth  . 3...