
accident accidence 差很大

accident |ˈaksɪd(ə)nt|
nounan unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury: he had an accident at the factory | [ mass noun ] if you are unable to work owing to accident orsickness.• a crash involving road or other vehicles: four peoplewere killed in a road accident.• euphemistic an incidence of incontinence by a child or animal.an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause: the pregnancy was an accident | it is no accident that Manchester has produced more than its fair share of professional comics.• mass noun ] the working of fortune; chance:members belong to the House of Lords through hereditary right or accident of birth .Philosophy (in Aristotelian thought) a property of a thing which is not essential to its nature.

by accident unintentionally; by chance: she didn't get where she is today by accident. nomadic hunters probably ended up on the new continent by accident.
1. 事故; 災禍[C]2. 意外事情; 偶然因素, 機遇[C][U]
incident |ˈinsidənt|nounan event or occurrence: several amusing incidents.• a violent event, such as a fracas or assault: one person was stabbed in the incident.• a hostile clash between forces of rival countries.• (incident ofa case or instance of something happening: a single incident of rudeness does not support a finding of contemptuous conduct.• the occurrence of dangerous or exciting things: the winter passed without incident.• distinct piece of action in a play or a poem.

accidence |ˈaksɪd(ə)ns|noun [ mass noun ] datedthe part of grammar that deals with the inflections of words.
1. (學科的)初步, 入門2. 【語】語形變化; 字形變化




所謂的基因轉殖果蠅,是指某一種果蠅品系,他的genome裡面就帶有外來的基因,非果蠅自己原本就有的。像是GAL4/UAS binary expression system裡的GAL4 lines, UAS lines, LexA lines ...etc. (可以說…做實驗用的果蠅,絕大部分都是基因轉殖果蠅)