

目前顯示的是 2012的文章

meticulous 嚴密的; 一絲不苟的

meticulous  | mɪˈtɪkjʊləs | adjective showing   great   attention  to  detail ; very careful and precise :  the designs are hand-glazed with meticulous  care  |   he   had   always  been so meticulous about his appearance . ORIGIN  mid 16th  cent.  (in the sense  ‘ fearful or timid ’ ): from  Latin  meticulosus , from   metus  ‘ fear ’ .  The word   came  to mean  ‘ overcareful about detail ’ , hence the current  sense  (early 19th cent.) .


benefactor  | ˈbɛnɪfaktə | noun a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause . benefactor KK  [ˋbɛnə͵fæktɚ]  DJ  [ˋbeni͵fæktə] 捐助人; 施主; 恩人[C]


我想,桌球應該是少數幾樣事,是我在這個環境還能有顯著提升。好好把握! 1)用重心移動去打球 (用腳打球) 2)頭抬起來,宏觀全場 3)正手-前臂/反手-手腕 先導,配合球的時間空間 4)三思而後行、戰術配套要明確、再多準備一球 5)搶主動控制權->好預測

I have to work hard and smart so as to give my family reassurance that I will graduate in time.

reassure  | riːəˈʃʊə | verb  [  with  obj.  ] say  or  do something to remove the doubts and fears of ( someone ) :  he understood her feelings and tried to reassure her |  [  with  obj.  and  clause  ]  :  Joachim reassured him that he was needed  |  ( as  adj. reassuring )  :  Gina gave her a reassuring smile . DERIVATIVES reassuringly  adverb reassurance  | riːəˈʃʊərəns | noun  [  mass noun  ] the action of removing someone's doubts or fears :  children need reassurance and praise . •  [  count noun  ]  a statement that removes someone's doubts or fears :  we have been given  reassurances that  the water is safe to drink .

Discerning what people mean concerns me.

concern  | kənˈsəːn | 1. (不用被動式)關於 2.  涉及, 關係到; 影響到 verb  [  with  obj.  ] 1  relate  to; be about :  the story concerns a friend of mine  |  the report  is mainly  concerned with  1984 onwards . •  be  relevant  or important to; affect or involve :  she was  prying  into that which did not concern her  |  many thanks to  all concerned  . •  ( concern oneself with )  interest or involve oneself in :  it is not necessary for us to concern ourselves with this point . •  ( be concerned in )  formal  have a specific connection with or responsibility for :  those concerned in industry, academia, and government . •  ( be concerned with/to do something )  regard it as important to do something :  I was mainly concerned with making something that children could enjoy . 2  make (someone) anxious or worried :  the ro...


拉球的時候,揮拍不要太快,範圍不要太大。這樣比較容易動作穩定,吃球吃足。 借力的要領還要繼續練習--大動作(正、反手都是手肘往前)要先,抓住球的路線;小動作要鬆,像接住球後再帶出去 比賽中,要搭配發球的變化(長短、正反手、旋轉種類、旋轉程度、弧度都要低)                     搭配發力借力的變化                     搭配攻擊防守的變化

accident accidence 差很大

accident  | ˈaksɪd(ə)nt | noun 1  an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury :  he had an accident at the factory  |  [  mass noun  ]  :  if you are unable to work owing to accident or sickness . •  a  crash  involving  road or  other  vehicles :  four people were   killed   in   a   road   accident . •  euphemistic   an incidence of incontinence by a child or animal . 2  an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause :  the pregnancy was an accident  |  it is no accident  that   Manchester has produced more than its fair share of professional comics . •  [  mass noun  ]  the working of  fortune ; chance : members belong to the House of Lords  through  hereditary right or  accident of birth  . 3...


所謂的基因轉殖果蠅,是指某一種果蠅品系,他的genome裡面就帶有外來的基因,非果蠅自己原本就有的。像是GAL4/UAS binary expression system裡的GAL4 lines, UAS lines, LexA lines ...etc. (可以說…做實驗用的果蠅,絕大部分都是基因轉殖果蠅)

one-second rule

桌球果然反應一個人的個性 我就是太衝動,什麼事都急著做好,急著做到最好。就容易有躁進、矯往過正的缺點。 開始練球就用日系的皮,是有球質重的優點,但也忽略了撞擊球的重要性。加上自以為揮快就是好的揮空拍特訓,造成自己走火入魔地--打球用猜的(沒看球)、球球攻大板、沒有過渡球。 one-second rule 任何單項的技術,不應該在極短的時間內做完;反而要用最小(合理)的力氣幅度,最出從容穩定的弧線,在最準確(預判、等待)的時間空間擊球 acknowledge: 柯秉辰(慢動作theory)、湯學成(撞擊、直接打出來)、游仲為(鳥拉vs標準拉)、賴韋至(手速不能過快)、吳秉哲(借力過渡球、合理的咬球、全面進攻的壞處) 天啊~現在超想打球@@

Written by Steve Jobs

One way to drive fear out of a relationship is to realize that your partner's values are the same as yours, that what you care about is exactly what they care about. In my opinion, that drives fear out and makes for a great partnership, whether it's a corporate partnership or a marriage.


其實是好幾天前的心得 XD 今天難得有空,就補寫一下(順便加最近的心得好了) 1)看球要將眼睛的focus稍稍提前到預測的空間(也不是saccade,就只是提前一點),能夠看出"球路",而非只是一顆球 2)大腿站到位才擊球 3)快速精簡的借力擊球;一氣呵成的發力擊球 (但都在速度--夾、拍;旋轉--磨、擠) 教別人打德國皮,突然覺得自己很能拿捏、使出德國皮的優勢(先陷進去海綿,再快速收縮);反倒是日系皮,沒有那麼得心應手 =____= 不過最近幾次打球,刻意在切線方向加旋,取得不錯的效果!也許再一陣子,就可以掌握日系皮的優勢了呢~~ XDXD (像波爾、彭大哥一樣的轉轉小弧圈) over, 睡覺~

Come on, you can do it~

最近一些收穫心得,都沒有好好沈澱一下 :p 1) (感謝老江) 從旁觀者的角度,可以把事情的來龍去脈看得清楚;知道人--在什麼位置什麼環境什麼個性,就可以清楚他想要什麼。      自己雖然在世俗的社會中,為了世俗的目標努力。但只要記得常常抽離,不帶感情喜好地看自己原點和周遭的人事時地物的關係,就可以豁然開朗、茅塞頓開~! 2) (感謝Roger Federer) 他可以、擅長在痛苦中打球在痛苦中比賽,是成就他今日地位的主要原因。作科學研究亦如是。我要能夠在身理心理的各種狀況下,進行研究工作! 3) (感謝my honey, 超子) " haha just observe first, I still believe there must be something good, something unique in every person..;  just that we need to learn how to call that out from an individual " 在這個合作的年代,個人能力的強弱,理所當然地淹沒在自然產生的波動裡,無法逃離那無情但富有正義感的error bar。如何和別人維持良好的合作關係,時間上、能量上都儘可能的延伸、放大,將決定最後的果實。先觀察,每個人都有擅長和不擅長的能力,都有喜歡和討厭的言語事物。招子放亮點,作出對自己最好的行為表現!


變化是特長(主要分為發球壓迫直接得分;第三板搶攻;球點的提早預判而達成提早銜接提早擊球)。但愈到實力相當的對手,常在比賽後半段被適應而沒有任何抵抗能力。 最主要的原因,是執迷於「球球都要攻擊=球球都要發力=球球都要得分」的錯誤想法。 ==>改進的方法 1) 變化的戰術中,滲雜著相持的戰術 :在變化快被適應之際(自己攻擊開始出現失誤),發出對方沒辦法使出致命一擊的發球(又可分為,對方會進攻、但質量不好,好預判防守的;對方不會進攻,但不好控制到讓我無法進攻的球)。目的在進入相持! 重點:把球帶進--不求一板死,但求一定進 2) 加深第三板搶攻的種類:同一種發球的銜接打法,至少要二種以上 (不同落點、不同旋轉) 3) 被動的接發球:     a) 作球進入防守(偏向好預測對方攻擊的作球;儘量避免讓自己無法反應的短球、高球出現;             就是打回去扁扁的球)     b) 作球讓對方失誤(主要的手段有小動作加轉減轉、突然性的滑板撥球)


今天沒抓到(預判)球路,導致過早,過憑印象出力 面對進攻積極的對手,應該堅持衝長球、抓路線防守的戰術 沒有掌握球感、自己太少進攻性的處理、過於聽話保守、沒有抓對方心理怕的打法

Google Hot keys

e.g. site:nytimes.com ~college "test scores" -SATs 2009..2012 filetype:pdf air speed intitle:velocity of *swallow author:Maxwell "gap junction" define:bromance (2*3)/5+44-1 54 pounds in kilograms cmd + shift +3 cmd + shift +4 So useful!! ref: http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/blog/article.php?id=1029&t=20120206100425


time ly  | ˈtīmlē | adjective done  or occurring at a favorable or useful time; opportune :  a timely warning . op por tune  | ˌäpərˈt(y)o͞on | adjective (of a time) well-chosen or  particularly  favorable or appropriate :  he couldn't have arrived at a less opportune moment . •  done or occurring at a favorable  or  useful time; well-timed :  the opportune use of humor to lower tension .