
Come on, you can do it~

最近一些收穫心得,都沒有好好沈澱一下 :p
1) (感謝老江) 從旁觀者的角度,可以把事情的來龍去脈看得清楚;知道人--在什麼位置什麼環境什麼個性,就可以清楚他想要什麼。

2) (感謝Roger Federer) 他可以、擅長在痛苦中打球在痛苦中比賽,是成就他今日地位的主要原因。作科學研究亦如是。我要能夠在身理心理的各種狀況下,進行研究工作!

3) (感謝my honey, 超子) "haha just observe first, I still believe there must be something good, something unique in every person..; just that we need to learn how to call that out from an individual" 在這個合作的年代,個人能力的強弱,理所當然地淹沒在自然產生的波動裡,無法逃離那無情但富有正義感的error bar。如何和別人維持良好的合作關係,時間上、能量上都儘可能的延伸、放大,將決定最後的果實。先觀察,每個人都有擅長和不擅長的能力,都有喜歡和討厭的言語事物。招子放亮點,作出對自己最好的行為表現!


  1. :):):) am so glad that you seemed to be inspired a lot and internalized that. keep it on and enjoy the journey!





所謂的基因轉殖果蠅,是指某一種果蠅品系,他的genome裡面就帶有外來的基因,非果蠅自己原本就有的。像是GAL4/UAS binary expression system裡的GAL4 lines, UAS lines, LexA lines ...etc. (可以說…做實驗用的果蠅,絕大部分都是基因轉殖果蠅)

accident accidence 差很大

accident  | ˈaksɪd(ə)nt | noun 1  an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury :  he had an accident at the factory  |  [  mass noun  ]  :  if you are unable to work owing to accident or sickness . •  a  crash  involving  road or  other  vehicles :  four people were   killed   in   a   road   accident . •  euphemistic   an incidence of incontinence by a child or animal . 2  an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause :  the pregnancy was an accident  |  it is no accident  that   Manchester has produced more than its fair share of professional comics . •  [  mass noun  ]  the working of  fortune ; chance : members belong to the House of Lords  through  hereditary right or  accident of birth  . 3...