orthodromic |ˌôrθəˈdrämik|adjective Physiology(of an impulse) traveling in the normal direction in a nerve fiber. The oppositeof antidromic .ORIGIN 1940s: from ortho- [right, correct] + Greek dromos ‘running’ + -ic.
antidromic |ˌantiˈdrämik|adjective Physiology(of an impulse) traveling in the opposite direction to that normal in a nerve fiber. The opposite of orthodromic .ORIGIN early 20th cent.: from anti- + Greek dromos ‘running’ + -ic .
antidromic |ˌantiˈdrämik|adjective Physiology(of an impulse) traveling in the opposite direction to that normal in a nerve fiber. The opposite of orthodromic .ORIGIN early 20th cent.: from anti- + Greek dromos ‘running’ + -ic .