

目前顯示的是 11月, 2010的文章

Neuroscience 2010 @ San Diego

GOOD! 收穫很多: 學到快速總結自己故事的重要性、social power、expand my friendship to Xia, Shuai, and Greenspan、也學到一些待人處事的方法 ^^ 還有…英文的重要性!! 感覺自己太光芒外露、咄咄逼人滴~~好像很糟糕 Orz 不過,可以確定的是ー I am a freak. ...and those two guys are truly coming to have fun. (Heave a deep sigh)


Win or lose is determined by the final result! Make sure what the principal components are, and plan to get a complete win. Temporary win might bring an irreversible lost.