

目前顯示的是 7月, 2010的文章


感謝阿伯的陪打~~今天多找到一點感覺 1) 提醒自己,要注意手和肩膀的相對位置不要跑掉~ 2) 腳一定要發力,讓重心轉移,才有把球往前送的力量 (而不是單純用手往前送,那很快就沒力了) 3) 比賽的時候,球點不會那麼順心如意,一定要分段發力,才有辦法approach到最佳化的擊球時間空間。(差了那麼一點,就算是姿勢100,得分還是0!!) 4) 接發球要留心在球的質心、衝量。快的球可以讓拍子不往前,作一些處理;慢的球則要往前,同時作一些處理。後者要多想像加強。不要所以有的接發球都是用摸的或是被動被撞! 九月開學後,開始練一些配套吧! ^^b

JAY-Z Young Forever

[Mr. Hudson] Let's dance in style Let's dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power but we never say never Sitting in a sandpit Life is a short trip The music's for the sad man

Thriving Ivory/Angels On The Moon

Do you dream, that the world will know your name So tell me your name Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all? I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside I wanna feel I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive To know I'm alive Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
如果你已經二十歲了,別再孩子氣了 - 李開復 《轉錄》分享 2010年5月25日 23:23 如果你已經20歲了,你真的輸不起了,別再孩子了..... 如果你到了20歲,還沒到25歲 。 ——李開復


Ten years passed, I am not regretted what I have done, although it always could be better, to be better than what I was. Consolidation is the most noteworthy ability that I lack now. Communication skills is the second one, including listening and talking used to ameliorate relationship with people. Stay with self-cultivation!