

目前顯示的是 2007的文章


formidable 源自拉丁文“引起恐懼的”的意思 causing fear or great anxiety; frightening; awesome inspiring awe and respect because of excellence and strength; very impressive 掃圖掃到頭暈 @@; 有沒有太誇張啊 不過,最近盯球盯的不錯,開竅了吧 XD

Even I don't like him..., but he is right

from 劉國梁專欄 自信和霸氣從哪來,自從自己的成績來的 比賽就是這樣,你給對手的壓力小,你的壓力就會大 一個優秀的運動員不是每場比賽都要贏,而是贏關鍵的比賽,贏他想贏的比賽 Make sense!!!

Make a choice~~

真的很湊巧 明天星期二,校桌迎新--雖然耀武羊威很好吃,不過,還是不想去XD So, which choice should be made? 6~8點 系足 草地 5-7點 桌球 生二館 到底要去那邊哩 XD 平平都是運動 好了,找到一個藉口 我沒有釘鞋 踢草地會受傷 真是對不起系足的大家啦,甫甫不陪你們踢球哩 下次踢PU再說 XD


呼呼~~~ 來個大改版,照片集也更新了 今天運氣不錯,掃到好看的圖、吃到薑母鴨、晚上打球又有體會 回來對發票又讓我對到2張200元!! 喔~~~Yes! 真是太感謝了 算了一下,我改用mac也邁入第四年了~~~真的是一轉眼,然後,一篇paper也沒生出來 XD 真的要好好努力哩.... 最後,希望爺爺早日康復 PS:這是最近第一次沒用破英文寫Blog PS2:來張有fu的照片吧 甫甫的相薄 My Family

Family tour~!!

So exciting before, and so happy after. On Sep. 16 and 17, we went to 桃園縣復興鄉 to have our family tour. Of course, the scene is beautiful, but most important thing is that we were happy, very happy. Thanks God, I have a wonderful family~~:D

Long time no write XD

Although I made up my mind to sleep earlier, anyway, as soon as possible writing this diary XD. How to describe the job we do every day- to collect the virgin of flies? Pick means 挑. It sounds correct to "Pick Fly" XD. (And "pick" is really better than "select" in my mind. "select" flies? Like to choose some flies not necessary, very subjective motion.) Another thing worthy of celebration is that I realize the trick to forehand-drive pingpong under the relax status of shoulder. The feeling is great, but need more practice to achieve every time. Time to sleep, Good night~!

Bring talent into full play

Do NOT take the advantage of my own talent. _______Prof. Chiang Talent should be brought into full play. If I always rest on my laurels(月桂樹->榮譽,吃老本之意) , skipping the struggle and effort that make me grow up, success would not belong to me anymore. Try to get the ignorant job done truly. I will learn a lot of unexpected lessons.

Today is my birthday

Today is my twenty-sixth birthday. Thanks Mom and Dad. I met some trouble about my recent work. Chiang and some decision-making labmates choose me to manage and maintain the flylist- a job done by RA before. I think it was unfair to me. So I complained to my dear PI and had a short debate. Actually in my mind the one who will get the job done best is me, and I like this job, too. I just can't agree with that people leave this job to me because they thought I didn't take the responsiblity of the lab(a selfish one?). So the punishment is to do the RA job in the cost of PAPER without any SALARY. Come on!! I really do a lot of little things for everyone in this lab. Even these little things are nothing to speak of, total of them did spend quite a little time and effort of me. How could Boss say those words! Forget about this annoying stuff. Show the GOOD JOB to Boss. If he dare not to increase my salary next year, that's wait and see!!


原來是這麼一回事 撞擊的時候,握拍可以鬆一點,擊球的停留時間短,聲音很響 不產生旋轉也不吃旋轉、有點像把球甩出去 磨擦的時候,握拍要緊一點,有點 HOLD住的feeling,繞球,沒聲音 產生旋轉也很吃旋轉、把球牽出去 可以借速度,也可以借旋轉 改進的項目: 處理過渡球,儘量磨擦,作弧線,包括搶拉出台的球、撥球 發球的手感,應用出轉和不轉球 打短顆粒的發力,應朝向撞擊為主,偶爾過渡時稍帶點磨擦 正手多用磨擦,第一板一定先磨擦(高球除外),大嗆司再用抽殺的 接發球、擋球也要充分利用這兩種手法,區分出變化和有把握的技術 GOOD!


不知道有誰在看我的blog.... Is anybody reading my blog? 來簽個名留個言吧~~ Leave your message, please~~:D PS:悄悄話也行呀 PS2:如果都沒有留言不就糗了 XD 公開的隱版

Good Day

Thanks for Scott's short pimple, called Tyranno (wow, tyrannosaur暴龍, tyrannous暴虐的, match my style!!!!) Thanks for Tseng-Hua. Today is my first time having good impression that he taught me how to play with short pimple. Hit on the high point, move the racket forward, non-stop! My second good impression is given by Jinlee :D We have the same age(well, at least very close ), and she is a nice, interesting, and wise guy. Maybe someday we will become very good friends. XD Cchi came to table-tennis room this evening. We have night snacks and very good time after practice. Congratulation for his recruit from Mediatek(聯發科). He and Jillo will live at Chu-Bei in the future. Oh, don't forget Brasco, another good buddy we won't see in a short term. Before shifting to his new job, he treat us to delicious fried chicken and drink. :D What a good, generous, and elevated senior! Finally, a five-hour table-tennis time really satisfy me! ha~~!!

New rule for confocal microscopy

So disappointing! How could this happen that STUDENTS don't have the right to use confocal microscopy by day. Maybe Chih-Yung is right. To be a student, the first thing is always to get the degree as soon as possible. But I can't agree with Jason's point that the more salary you take, the more job you have to do, so more is not better. I think the salary stands for the importance and the quantity of your work. One should fight for his own status. Another thing, table-tennis is just a hobby of my life, although I try to play it better and better, try to win the games, and try to learn some doctrine of my personality. Undoubtedly the urgent affair is my doctor's degree. Keep studying as I drew. Action speaks louder than words!

What a pity~!

Finally, I live by myself at this JOJO's home. Maybe things will go different if I expressed my welcome more actively. But I didn't do that. Just let it be. Leave all to chance. A loss may turn out to be a gain and vice versa. But the truth I realized is that they are not so promissory. (They broke their promise!) Is this a common fault of "those people"?

The pursuit of happiness.

Do not stand right here and watch my "past". The time I drove the ball, the time start to drive next. The pursuits of my happiness, my paper, my victory.... will go on truly, madly, and completely.

Active Form

勇於攻擊是好事 注意:用合理的力量,展開綿密的攻勢,有效的攻擊 培養提升自己的實力、將實力發揮淋漓盡致!!

I really appreciate your instruction

Thank you very much, my teacher. Thanks for your kindness and help about my research, furthermore, you enlightened me about table-tennis, which part I never and won't get from Coach Wu forever. I wish I can repay you my good performance as soon as possible, whether science or table-tennis. sincerely, Maxwell


咩嘿嘿 找到住的新房子嘍 地點算近、房東算親切(雖然房東太太和房東的媽好像有點…嗯,冷淡) 不過,房子超新超大、有家的溫馨感覺、浴室超大、有洗衣、烘衣機,冷氣、5000包水包電包瓦斯 XDXD 重點,有一隻哈士奇!!!!!!!(暈)(不過,叫JOJO好像有點俗氣就是了) 超HIGH超友善的啦~~~ ---- 雖然兩個人住很奇怪,不過,嗯,但是良機不可失啊 ~!!

My power book (♡)

很衝動的 就這樣回信、衝去台北面交 不過,還算幸運啦,遇到蠻nice的賣家 除了沒跟我講這台已經修過了,沒有背光鍵盤外,還有比起我的桌機iMac頓頓的外, 目前都非常讚XDXD 我要好好疼惜著用到…嗯,能久就久嘍 ---- 上研究所後,一年一台apple是怎樣 Orz 該省省錢哩


盯球、判斷、合理化打法(跟球跟到球碰拍、七分力打球) 心中有路線落點球桌 雙打分清楚主動和被動 被動:被擺短、劈長、接發球沒出桌或是出桌急墜、近台被拉球、被扣殺、被放高球 被動時,要求用控制的過度合理打法,合理力度,爭取下一輪的主動 出桌一定壓低重心拉球 沒出桌,擺短、劈長、滑球互相應用