
taking-off point

takeoff means
the moment when an airplane, helicopter, etc., leaves the ground and begins to fly

"Despite much talk of the 'postgenomic' era, the publication of the human genome now appears to be a taking-off point in the demand for genome sequencing, starting with other yeasts, invertebrates, and mammals for comparative genomics."

Brent, 2016 Trends in Genetics

Also see another idea derived from economic usage of 'take-off point'
from the American economic historian Walt W. Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth (1953)

"take-off point." A Dictionary of Sociology. . Retrieved November 10, 2016 from Encyclopedia.com: http://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/take-point




所謂的基因轉殖果蠅,是指某一種果蠅品系,他的genome裡面就帶有外來的基因,非果蠅自己原本就有的。像是GAL4/UAS binary expression system裡的GAL4 lines, UAS lines, LexA lines ...etc. (可以說…做實驗用的果蠅,絕大部分都是基因轉殖果蠅)

accident accidence 差很大

accident  | ˈaksɪd(ə)nt | noun 1  an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury :  he had an accident at the factory  |  [  mass noun  ]  :  if you are unable to work owing to accident or sickness . •  a  crash  involving  road or  other  vehicles :  four people were   killed   in   a   road   accident . •  euphemistic   an incidence of incontinence by a child or animal . 2  an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause :  the pregnancy was an accident  |  it is no accident  that   Manchester has produced more than its fair share of professional comics . •  [  mass noun  ]  the working of  fortune ; chance : members belong to the House of Lords  through  hereditary right or  accident of birth  . 3...