refer |riˈfər|verb (refers, referring, referred)1 [ no obj. ] (refer to) mention or allude to: the reports of the commission are oftenreferred to in the media | New York, referred to asthe Big Apple.• [ with obj. ] (refer someone to) direct the attention of someone to: I refer mycolleague to the reply that I gave some moments ago.• (refer to) (of a word or phrase) describe or denote; have as a referent: the term “rhetoric” almost invariably refers to persuasion.2 [ with obj. ] (refer something to) pass a matter to (another body, typically one with more authority or expertise) for a decision: disagreement arose and the issue was referred back to the Executive Committee.• (refer someone to) send or direct someone to a medical specialist: she wasreferred toa clinical psychologist for counseling.• [ no obj. ] (refer to) read or otherwise use (a source of information) in order to ascertain something; consult: I always refer to a dictionary when I come across a new word.3 [ with obj. ] (refer something to) archaic trace or attribute something to (someone or something) as a cause or source: the God to whom he habitually referred his highest inspirations.• regard something as belonging to (a certain period, place, or class).
"The reader is referred to the original publications and the related software package websites."