advocatenoun |ˈadvəkət|1 a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy: he was an untiring advocate of economic reform.2 a person who puts a case on someone else's behalf: care managers can become advocates for their clients.• a professional pleader in a court of justice.• Scottish and South African term for barrister.verb |ˈadvəkeɪt| [ with obj. ]publicly recommend or support: voters supported candidates who advocated an Assembly.DERIVATIVESadvocateship noun,advocation nounORIGIN Middle English: from Old French avocat, from Latin advocatus, past participle (used as a noun) of advocare ‘call (to one's aid)’, from ad- ‘to’ +vocare ‘to call’.
- 提倡者; 擁護者[(+of)]They are advocates of free trade. 他們是自由貿易的倡導者。
- 辯護者; 律師
- 故意提出異議以激發辯論的人; 故意唱反調的人devil's advocate ≈ naysayer