

目前顯示的是 2013的文章

The 2nd NY city trip_Dec 7/2013

Dec. 7, 2013 Waked up at 8am. 柏舜 picked me up at 9am at Davenport. We rode to Flushing for my first task today -- buying "the movie ticket."   Due to the difficulty of finding a parking lot at weekend, 柏舜 dropped me off in front of a driving school. It turns out that the master who is capable of teaching is absent, so that the school cannot sell me the ticket. However, the manager is so nice that she directed me to the other driving school nearby. Soon I had gotten my movie ticket with $45 in 福州駕駛學校, saving 5 hours. After that we bought some bread and sweet tofu.

The opening of 'A Tale of Two Cities'

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way  - in short,  the period was so far like the present period,  that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received,  for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. By  Charles Dickens

轉貼自 Scientific American,超重要的文章!

Commentary invited by editors of Scientific American Guest Blog Home About Contact The Awesomest 7-Year Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-Track Faculty Life By Radhika Nagpal  | July 21, 2013 |   39 Share   Email   Print Scary myths and scary data abound about life as a tenure-track faculty at an “R1″ university. Scary enough to make you wonder: why would any smart person want to live this life?

7/18 Vocabulary (gritting)

asset  | ˈasɛt | noun a useful or valuable  thing  or person :  quick reflexes were his chief assets  |  the school is an asset to  the community . •  ( usu.  assets )  an item of  property  owned by a person or company, regarded as having value and available to  meet  debts, commitments, or legacies :  growth in net assets . ORIGIN  mid 16th cent.  (in  the plural   in  the sense  ‘ sufficient  estate   to   allow discharge of a will ’ ): from an  Anglo-Norman French   legal   term , from  Old French asez  ‘ enough ’ , based on  Latin  ad  ‘ to ’  +  satis  ‘ enough ’ . asset 財產, 資產[P1] 同義詞 accounts , wealth , resources , property 變化形 名複 assets grit  | grɪt | noun  [  mass noun  ] 1  small loose particles of stone or ...


1. 心甘情願吃虧的人,終究吃不了虧。能吃虧的人,人緣必然好,人緣 好的人,機會自然多。人的一生,能抓住一兩次機會,足矣! 2. 愛佔便宜的人,終究佔不了便宜。撿到一棵草,失去一片森林。你看 那些一到買單就上廁所或錢包半天掏不出來的聰明人,基本上都沒啥 成就。 3. 心眼小的人,天地大不了。朋友聚會時,三句話不離自己和自家的人 ,是蝸牛轉世,內心空虛、自私。心裡只有自家的事,其他的事慢慢 也就與他無關。 4. 只有惜緣才能續緣。在人生的路上,我們會遇到很多人,其實有緣才 能相聚,親人多半是前世的好友,好友多半是前世的親人,給你帶來 煩惱的,多半是你前世傷害過的。因此切記:善待身邊的親人,關心 身邊的朋友,寬恕那些傷害你的人。這就是因果。 5. 心中無缺叫富,被人需要叫貴。快樂不是一種性格,而是一種能力。 6. 解決煩惱的最佳辦法,就是忘掉煩惱。 7. 笑看風雲淡,坐對雲起時。不爭就是慈悲,不辯就是智慧,不聞就是 清淨,不看就是自在,原諒就是解脫,知足就是放下。 8. 不亂於心,不困於情,不畏將來,不念過往。 9. 今生註定我們什麼也帶不走,那就活在當下、笑在當下、悟在當下!

It's all about reputation~

今天特別早休息, 一方面是因為正在收尾、準備回家待產,所以事情比較少; 另一方面則是畢業的事有點失控,超出loading到頭暈,也沒辦法多做什麼事~~~ 但我反而失眠 yep, insomnia... 突然覺得,失眠不是壞事。剛好可以想很多事情,嗯~~ (人生的跑馬燈 XD 無誤!) 可以好好滴反省檢討。 也許,我會愛上失眠,就像愛上春夢一般,期盼某一夜能再次體驗~~~ 一直以來,自己的人生觀就是比較衝動--只要是對的事,就往前衝就對了! 從我「剛烈的道德要求」、「極度沒耐性地與他人溝通」、「做事都一骨腦、近乎stubborn」、「從不在乎別人怎麼想」、「只要自己問心無愧」的表現... fit perfectly well! 今天,歐世宸學長轉貼的 一根稻草 ,壓垮了我的人生觀。突然血淋淋地意識到,我要真正找到工作、變成一個PI的時間壓力是如此巨大!當我真正擁有、擁抱我的家庭… 家庭真的是一個人最大的財富:晚上打電話回家跟Honey和媽咪聊,馬上獲得補血。能夠有家人正面的支持,我真的是n生有幸!尤其在自己這麼隨興地走過30載的人生後!! 在這個人與人互動、如此主觀的世界裡,要怎麼獲得成功? 說清楚一點(for me) 如何解決經濟上的困境、找到有穩定收入的PI工作可以支撐家庭,同時又可以從事自己喜歡的研究。 It's all about reputation~ 限量是殘酷的、機會錯過就不再、 憑什麼在這個主觀的世界裡,得到較多的機會,取得較大的成功? It's all about reputation~ 如同在戴勝益寫的 「品味生活(23) 王品有約」中提到的:不要給身邊的人太大的壓力。 那卻是以前的我最喜歡做的事, 喜歡拿出自己的高標準要別人follow、喜歡挑戰別人的極限… 形成「生人勿擾」自走高氣壓 這應該是最客觀的原因,造成我paper這麼少、造成我有懷才不遇的感慨。 我正一步一步遠離成功、踏向失敗的深淵… 改變自己,從減輕  周圍的人接受到來自我的壓力 開始~ :o)

inexorably compelling game

compelling  | kəmˈpɛlɪŋ | adjective evoking interest, attention, or  admiration  in a powerfully irresistible way :  his eyes were strangely compelling  |  a compelling film . •  not able to be refuted;  inspiring  conviction :  there is compelling evidence that the recession is ending  |  a  compelling  argument . •  not able to be resisted;  overwhelming :  the temptation to give up was compelling . inexorable  | ɪnˈɛks(ə)rəb(ə)l | adjective impossible   to   stop  or  prevent :  the  seemingly   inexorable   march  of  new   technology . •  (of a person) impossible to persuade; unrelenting :  the doctors were inexorable, and there was nothing to be done .


course  | kɔːs | noun 1  the   route   or   direction  followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river :  the road adopts a tortuous course along the coast  |  the new fleet  changed course  to join the other ships . •  the way in which something progresses or develops :  the course of history . •  ( also  course of action  )  [  count noun  ]  a procedure adopted to deal with a situation :  my decision had seemed to be the wisest course open to me at the time . 2  a dish, or a set of dishes served together, forming one of the successive parts of a meal :  guests are offered a choice of main course  |  [  in  combination  ]  :  a four-course meal . 3  an area of land set aside and prepared for racing, golf, or another sport . 4  a series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, leading to an examination or qualification : ...

per capita

per capita  | pəː ˈkapɪtə | ( also  per caput  | ˈkapʊt | ) adverb &  adjective for  each   person ;  in relation to  people taken individually :  [  as  adv.  ]  :  the state had fewer  banks   per capita   than   elsewhere  |  lower than average per capita spending . ORIGIN  late 17th cent. :  Latin ,  literally   ‘ by  heads ’ . ph. 片語 按人計算的(地), 人均的(地)


1. 無論你遇見誰,他都是對的人。 2. 無論發生什麼事,那都是唯一會發生的事。 3.不管事情開始於哪個時刻,都是對的時刻。 4.已經結束的,已經結束了。 時時放在心中! 英文版的 XD 1.Whomsoever you encounter is the right one. This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation. 2. Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened. Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no “If only I had done that differently…, then it would have been different…”. No. What happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life which we encounter is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego. 3. Each moment in which something begins is the right moment. Everything begins at ...


我又在睡覺的時候想到something different, something instructive 自己的缺點就是太stubborn, 雖然有時候是個優點…但不是全部 須要在原本的trait: 一氣到底、勇往(呆板)向前 稍稍改變一下 適當地(不是矯枉過正)地 增加循環概念、為下一個階段的準備、留一手、不要孤注一擲、融合一點不一樣的東西 在桌球上、待人處事上、做研究上、人生處處… 微太極!  上面是張太極陰陽圖 "在這一圖中,一條曲線將它分為兩半,形成一半白一半黑,白者像陽,黑者像陰,白中又有一個黑點,黑中又有一個白點,表示陽中有陰,陰中有陽。" (from wiki.) 這是太極(陰陽)的unicode " U+262f" ☯


advocate noun  | ˈadvəkət | 1  a person  who   publicly  supports or recommends a particular cause or policy :  he was an untiring  advocate of  economic reform . 2  a person who puts a case on someone else's behalf :  care managers can become advocates for their clients . •  a professional pleader in a court of justice . •  Scottish and South African term for  barrister . verb  | ˈadvəkeɪt |  [  with  obj.  ] publicly recommend or support :  voters supported candidates who  advocated  an Assembly . DERIVATIVES advocateship  noun , advocation  noun ORIGIN  Middle English : from  Old French  avocat , from  Latin  advocatus , past participle (used as a noun) of  advocare  ‘ call (to one's aid) ’ , from  ad-  ‘ to ’  + vocare  ‘ to call ’ . advocate 變化形 KK [ˋædvəkɪt] DJ [ˋædvəkit] Dr.eye 譯典通 n.[C] 提倡者; 擁護者[(+...

I didn't INFER that silence means CONSENT.

infer  | ɪnˈfəː | verb  (  infers ,  inferring ,  inferred  )  [  with   obj.  ] deduce or  conclude  ( something )  from   evidence  and reasoning rather than from explicit  statements :  [  with   clause  ]  :  from these facts we can infer that crime has been increasing . usage:  There is a distinction in meaning between  infer  and  imply . In the sentence   the speaker  implied  that the General had been a traitor ,  implied  means that   the  speaker subtly  suggested  that this man was a traitor (though nothing  so explicit was actually stated). However, in  we  inferred  from his words that  the General  had been a traitor ,  inferred  means that something in the speaker's  words   enabled  the  listeners   to   deduce   that  t...