

目前顯示的是 12月, 2013的文章

The 2nd NY city trip_Dec 7/2013

Dec. 7, 2013 Waked up at 8am. 柏舜 picked me up at 9am at Davenport. We rode to Flushing for my first task today -- buying "the movie ticket."   Due to the difficulty of finding a parking lot at weekend, 柏舜 dropped me off in front of a driving school. It turns out that the master who is capable of teaching is absent, so that the school cannot sell me the ticket. However, the manager is so nice that she directed me to the other driving school nearby. Soon I had gotten my movie ticket with $45 in 福州駕駛學校, saving 5 hours. After that we bought some bread and sweet tofu.