1. 無論你遇見誰,他都是對的人。 2. 無論發生什麼事,那都是唯一會發生的事。 3.不管事情開始於哪個時刻,都是對的時刻。 4.已經結束的,已經結束了。 時時放在心中! 英文版的 XD 1.Whomsoever you encounter is the right one. This means that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact, represents something, whether to teach us something or to help us improve a current situation. 2. Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened. Nothing, absolutely nothing of that which we experienced could have been any other way. Not even in the least important detail. There is no “If only I had done that differently…, then it would have been different…”. No. What happened is the only thing that could have taken place and must have taken place for us to learn our lesson in order to move forward. Every single situation in life which we encounter is absolutely perfect, even when it defies our understanding and our ego. 3. Each moment in which something begins is the right moment. Everything begins at ...
Hello~~ I am Meng-Fu Maxwell Shih. It's my pleasure to share my life with you~~~