

目前顯示的是 8月, 2012的文章

I have to work hard and smart so as to give my family reassurance that I will graduate in time.

reassure  | riːəˈʃʊə | verb  [  with  obj.  ] say  or  do something to remove the doubts and fears of ( someone ) :  he understood her feelings and tried to reassure her |  [  with  obj.  and  clause  ]  :  Joachim reassured him that he was needed  |  ( as  adj. reassuring )  :  Gina gave her a reassuring smile . DERIVATIVES reassuringly  adverb reassurance  | riːəˈʃʊərəns | noun  [  mass noun  ] the action of removing someone's doubts or fears :  children need reassurance and praise . •  [  count noun  ]  a statement that removes someone's doubts or fears :  we have been given  reassurances that  the water is safe to drink .

Discerning what people mean concerns me.

concern  | kənˈsəːn | 1. (不用被動式)關於 2.  涉及, 關係到; 影響到 verb  [  with  obj.  ] 1  relate  to; be about :  the story concerns a friend of mine  |  the report  is mainly  concerned with  1984 onwards . •  be  relevant  or important to; affect or involve :  she was  prying  into that which did not concern her  |  many thanks to  all concerned  . •  ( concern oneself with )  interest or involve oneself in :  it is not necessary for us to concern ourselves with this point . •  ( be concerned in )  formal  have a specific connection with or responsibility for :  those concerned in industry, academia, and government . •  ( be concerned with/to do something )  regard it as important to do something :  I was mainly concerned with making something that children could enjoy . 2  make (someone) anxious or worried :  the ro...


拉球的時候,揮拍不要太快,範圍不要太大。這樣比較容易動作穩定,吃球吃足。 借力的要領還要繼續練習--大動作(正、反手都是手肘往前)要先,抓住球的路線;小動作要鬆,像接住球後再帶出去 比賽中,要搭配發球的變化(長短、正反手、旋轉種類、旋轉程度、弧度都要低)                     搭配發力借力的變化                     搭配攻擊防守的變化