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Commentary invited by editors of Scientific American Guest Blog Home About Contact The Awesomest 7-Year Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-Track Faculty Life By Radhika Nagpal  | July 21, 2013 |   39 Share   Email   Print Scary myths and scary data abound about life as a tenure-track faculty at an “R1″ university. Scary enough to make you wonder: why would any smart person want to live this life?

7/18 Vocabulary (gritting)

asset  | ˈasɛt | noun a useful or valuable  thing  or person :  quick reflexes were his chief assets  |  the school is an asset to  the community . •  ( usu.  assets )  an item of  property  owned by a person or company, regarded as having value and available to  meet  debts, commitments, or legacies :  growth in net assets . ORIGIN  mid 16th cent.  (in  the plural   in  the sense  ‘ sufficient  estate   to   allow discharge of a will ’ ): from an  Anglo-Norman French   legal   term , from  Old French asez  ‘ enough ’ , based on  Latin  ad  ‘ to ’  +  satis  ‘ enough ’ . asset 財產, 資產[P1] 同義詞 accounts , wealth , resources , property 變化形 名複 assets grit  | grɪt | noun  [  mass noun  ] 1  small loose particles of stone or ...


1. 心甘情願吃虧的人,終究吃不了虧。能吃虧的人,人緣必然好,人緣 好的人,機會自然多。人的一生,能抓住一兩次機會,足矣! 2. 愛佔便宜的人,終究佔不了便宜。撿到一棵草,失去一片森林。你看 那些一到買單就上廁所或錢包半天掏不出來的聰明人,基本上都沒啥 成就。 3. 心眼小的人,天地大不了。朋友聚會時,三句話不離自己和自家的人 ,是蝸牛轉世,內心空虛、自私。心裡只有自家的事,其他的事慢慢 也就與他無關。 4. 只有惜緣才能續緣。在人生的路上,我們會遇到很多人,其實有緣才 能相聚,親人多半是前世的好友,好友多半是前世的親人,給你帶來 煩惱的,多半是你前世傷害過的。因此切記:善待身邊的親人,關心 身邊的朋友,寬恕那些傷害你的人。這就是因果。 5. 心中無缺叫富,被人需要叫貴。快樂不是一種性格,而是一種能力。 6. 解決煩惱的最佳辦法,就是忘掉煩惱。 7. 笑看風雲淡,坐對雲起時。不爭就是慈悲,不辯就是智慧,不聞就是 清淨,不看就是自在,原諒就是解脫,知足就是放下。 8. 不亂於心,不困於情,不畏將來,不念過往。 9. 今生註定我們什麼也帶不走,那就活在當下、笑在當下、悟在當下!