

目前顯示的是 5月, 2011的文章


輸了,無法改變的事實 覺得會贏的對手,草草0比3繳械 沒風度 沒實力 我就是我自己最痛恨的人 在清大的桌球生涯始終如一…一樣爛 Coach得了別人,coach不了自己 這場輸了應該 要帶領一個團隊,真的 很~不~容~易~~~ 要學會對leader的尊重!! 任何結果,都要珍惜、感恩… 要讓自己有好的表現,也是 很~不~容~易~~~ 除了要把會機會,更要能夠改掉錯誤的習慣個性的魄力 這次的失敗  超~痛~~~ 但只痛今天(還剩2min) 明天又是新的開始…新的進步累積出來的人生

Post-Gap era

Two things concerning: 1) ameliorate my ability to deal with people     I don't feel so good when I participate the table-tennis team of department. (comparing to the table-tennis team of university)     I don't feel so good when I live in my research group. (timid, stupid, deceitful, treacherous, rude, lazy, incompetent...)     Overall, it is all because of my extraordinary self requirement.     I devote myself to extraordinary requirement since that brings me excellence. But I can't, and shouldn't, devote people around me to it, either. They maybe don't have the ability, don't have the eagerness, or somewhat reasons matter.     But something that is truly great needs collaboration. I must have the ability to deal with people, to work together for those great things. Keep reading the book "How to make friends, and influencing people". 2) ameliorate my professional skill     I need to communicate w...