Today, I went to Taipei, having a dinner with brother and sister. It's a quite nice meal of Japanese food. Then, my sister and I attend the Kelly Clarkson's concert at NTU Sports Center. There were a few audiences and many empty seats in front of us, which costs from 2600 on up. XDXD The first three warm-up singers really suck! That's why the TV rating of "6th Super Star Boulevard" declined. We had not seen Kelly until eight thirty. This also sucks! But I like Kelly more after this concert. She sang all the concert with bare feet! Always jumping up and down, and sharing her feeling with us like our good buddy. And, her voice is so amazing! A blending of intonation, very high pitch, loudness and stability is so impressive. She deserves the title of American Idol! I think I was too restrained. I should try hard to open my mind and body language. ^^;
Hello~~ I am Meng-Fu Maxwell Shih. It's my pleasure to share my life with you~~~